This last week we had the privilege of venturing south to Dallas and joining Park Cities Baptist Church to host The Experience at Southern Methodist UniversityThe Experience was held in a tent on campus, which withstood pouring rain, high wind, sunshine, and even snow!  Quite a lot of crazy weather!

A highlight from the site was having a volunteer share their faith while handing out tickets to The Experience.  The person they were sharing their faith with, is now a new sister in Christ!  Another family had been praying about adopting a child for some time.  The door had not been opened for them to adopt, but they were able to sponsor a hope child and were very happy to give a brother to their two girls through sponsorship, instead of through adoption.

We also had a place in the Marketplace for students to learn about the Gulu Children of War Rehabilitation Center, and ACT:S — the World Vision Activism Network for college students.  It was great to see students get involved!

Thank you to PCBC for hosting The Experience at SMU, we had a great time!  Next stop: Hopkinton, MA!

— Michelle